Sunday, September 21, 2008

Poor Kiddo....

"There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep." ~~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Around 3:30 a.m. last night, we heard a familiar sound....Anna's door opening along with the pitter patter of feet heading towards our bedroom. I'm sure Jeff and I both lay there hoping the other would respond first but alas, it was my night as I heard Anna cry out, "Mommy!"
She cried, "my tummy hurts." Now, with Anna, it is always a crap shoot as to whether you should take her seriously or not as she is known to cry wolf from time to time. She visited our bathroom and then I went back to her room and laid down with her while rubbing her stomach. She started to doze off and then hopped up about 30 minutes later. She ran to the bathroom where the diarrhea commenced. I was able to get her settled back down after that for a short period. We dozed off together until I thought she appeared to be settled and I slipped out of her bed and into my own around 6:15 a.m. I was in bed maybe 15 minutes when Anna appeared in our bedroom again saying her "tummy hurts." And, Rachel was along this time as she was mad because Anna's crying had awakened her. We sent Rachel back to her bedroom and this time, Jeff pulled Anna into our bed where she maybe rested for five minutes before stating that she needed to vomit. That got a quick response from Jeff as he raced her to the bathroom.
Since that point, she has been vomiting off and on throughout the day and running a low grade temperature. She has slept some in between the unpleasantries.
I don't know if there is any sickness that people would choose but nausea is one of those things that makes a person miserable. You can't help but feel compassion for anyone suffering through it as we all know how miserable of a feeling that is. And, it's always terrible when you see your child sick regardless of what they are suffering from.
Around this house, Jeff is the adult that is always more susceptible to stomach bugs so he's loading up on fattening foods today preparing for the worst in the next few days. He plans to go to McDonalds for a Big Mac, super sized fry and large milkshake for an afternoon snack. And, wash that all day with as much chocolate as he can handle. He figures it's all coming back up so he's going to live for the day.

At least it's hitting us early this year. Last year, it happened while we were in Orlando on our Disney trip. Jeff was sick and so was Gail. Hopefully, we'll be past the illness by the time we go in October so that we can enjoy our trip to Disney this year with battling illness too.

You know, I can't help but wonder, why is it that stomach flu problems always hit in the middle of the night? At least that always seems the case with my family.


Anonymous said...

Hi Angela-
This is Emily- your camping friend from Dillard. I have been reading your blog and I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My mother also had a stroke in Jan 2006. She lost control of her left side, and it impacted her swallowing and physical ability to get around, etc. She has recovered wonderfully- I'd say about 85% recovery. Just recently though she has had to go back to therapy. I noticed how much she was regressing because that tends to happen after a stroke and convinced her to get some more pt.
She's better, but her swallowing still needs more work. She chokes and coughs a lot still.
Anyway- Also sorry to hear about the stomach bug. Hope Anna gets better soon! Hope you don't get it!
Send me an email, because I have misplaced your email you gave me at Dillard. If you saw my stack of post its, you'd understand why.
Our email is
Love the blog! Torrey loved seeing her picture!
Talk to you soon-

DieselRV said...

Thanks for the response and check your email; I sent you one this morning. It was great to hear from you.