Sunday, September 14, 2008

20-Year High School Reunion

Real nice party, Hapsburg. I see a lot of familiar face-lifts.~~Lieutenant Frank Drebin in the movie Naked Gun 2-1/2

Jeff and I attended my 20-year high school reunion on Saturday evening. I have to say I was overall disappointed at the lack of attendance. Particularly, since a good many of my fellow alumni still live in the Birmingham area. I saw more people there from out of town than who were local. But, I guess we appreciate being able to gather with old friends a bit more since we don't bump into them around town. I think the cost turned some off as well--$70 per person. I thought this price was a bit ridiculous considering what was included which wasn't much. We didn't even get non-alcholic drinks with that price. There were some people who didn't like the location and refused to attend for that reason. My opinion on that is if someone else is doing the planning and all I have to do is show up, I'm not going to complain about something so trivial. What was most important was simply connecting with old friends again.

Some people had not changed one bit where looks are concerned. One of my classmates commented that I had not changed and she added "you weighed 5 lbs in high school and now you must weigh all of 10 lbs." I love her! I don't miss being as skinny as I was in high school. I was rail thin but not from lack of eating. Now, I wish I had that all I want and not gain a pound!

I was able to recognize those who attended with no problems. I remember there were a few at our 10-year reunion that really eluded me. There were so many more people who attended our 10-year reunion. I hate that this reunion produced so little attendees. The group photo above is everyone who attended and this a pretty paltry attendance rate.
I had a good time anyway. It was certainly a nice break from the craziness of life as of late. It was nice simply reconnecting with those who I had not seen in a very long time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I also attented my 20 year reunion on Friday night! Yours looks a lot more reserved than mine! It was like one wild party with everyone (except me of course!!) getting extremely drunk and regretting their antics the next morning! Glad yours went well!!!