Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mom Update Part III

Miracles, in the sense of phenomena we cannot explain, surround us on every hand: life itself is the miracle of miracles. ~~George Bernard Shaw

I have been out of town most of the week to Marietta again. You know you've been traveling way too much when the lady at the rental car counter recognizes you by by name when you enter the facility. I'm hoping that business travel slows down in the upcoming months. The next trip I plan on taking will either be to AL to visit with my Mom again and/or to Orlando next month during the school Fall break.

I received a call from my Aunt Josephine last night with an update on my Mom. It appears they are releasing her early from the hospital but with her requiring to go to therapy at least two days per week. They are basing this on the fact that she is able to now walk independently, is swallowing better and her speech has improved.

Honestly, I'm a bit nervous about her going home so soon. But, I know she'll be happier back in her own apartment. For anyone who saw her a little over a week ago, none would believe she would be walking again so soon...much less returning home. If you don't believe in miracles, you need not look far as the fact that she is still alive at this point is a miracle unto itself. And, the fact that she is mobile again is more than I ever could've hoped for.

So, the prayers did work! It just goes to show you, with God all things are possible.

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