Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mom Update Part II

Where there is great love there are always miracles. ~~Willa Cather

We visited with my Mom this weekend while in AL. She is continuing to improve daily. However, she is nowhere near able to go home. She gets very emotional at times and she started crying when she saw Rachel and Anna. She was able to independently walk slowly a few feet from her bed to her wheelchair yesterday. And, she is able to sit up on her own. She is also able to move both her right arm and leg now. She is still having problems swallowing. All liquids have to be thickened and her food must be pureed to be able to swallow it without choking. She was able to speak some words clearly but for the most part, she is still unable to annunciate very well. They also removed the catheter yesterday. She was practicing writing the alphabet this morning and she is able to write some words. All in all, she is 110% better than what she was last Sunday but she still has an up hill climb both cognitively and physically.

Her room was kind of depressing so I had the girls draw some photos and we posted those around the room to liven it up a bit. We also plan to mail her a digital picture frame this week so she'll have photos around as well. Below is a picture of her with Anna and Rachel taken this morning.

Please continue to keep the prayers coming for her. They are working and she still needs them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Positive thoughts continuing to wing their way across the ocean!