Our friend, Rheann, visited with us today. Rheann was my sponsor when I first entered the USAF. We were both 2LTs assigned at Robins AFB together. She PCS'd for one additional assignment and then chose to separate after she became pregnant with their first child. They've been in Wisconsin ever since.
Her family drove from Wisconsin to Orlando for a recent Disney trip as well. And, they stayed the night with us on their way back home. It was so nice seeing them again.
The last time we saw Rheann was in December 2006 when they visited briefly while traveling through GA. At that time, she didn't have her fifth child, Addison. We were disappointed that we didn't get to see Kevin, her husband, again but there wasn't room in their vehicle for him so he flew back home. We haven't seen him since they left GA many moons ago. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law were traveling with her back to Wisconsin.
Jeff set up the inflatable movie screen and the children watched Narnia during the evening. We grilled burgers and hotdogs and we also built a fire in the firepit. We roasted marshmallows and had s'mores.
Rachel and Anna had a great time playing with all of the children: Isaac, Andrew, Eric, Alex and Addison. They were so sad to see them leave this morning.

I have a new found respect for parents of large families. I couldn't imagine preparing food for a family of seven at each meal daily. Rheann and I are a lot alike in terms of being Type-A personalities so I know if anyone can handle the organization it takes to keep some semblance of sanity in the home with five children; it's her! She home schools the children too. I miss having her close by so that we can visit with one another more often. One of these days, we'd like to take our RV north and visit her and friends in Ohio as well.
Rheann and her family did find the magnitude of "McCain/Palin" signs to be much more plentiful here than in Wisconsin. I see lots of bumper stickers and signs in support of McCain here as well as bumper stickers that say, "Women for McCain" and "NOBAMA." I always find it interesting how the media slants the news and how the coverage is slanted to Obama.
It was humorous on Friday night when the children asked us which political party we supported. Anna asked, "Are you a Republican or a Democrap?" Please know that we have never referred to the Democratic Party as "Democrap." But, Jeff and I got a good chuckle at her accidental transposing of letters nonetheless.
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