Sunday, June 27, 2010

Where Has The Time Gone?

I don't know if many of our friends visit our blog anymore or not since it has been so long since I've updated it. I guess life just got busier and I neglected the blog. I have no other excuse. Plus, Facebook has made it easy to stay in touch with friends and family. But, I do miss writing my thoughts here somewhat.

A lot has gone on the past few months since I last posted. Some good, some not so good. I last posted in June 2009. The summer was busy but it was the Fall and start of 2010 that was challenging to say the least.

My oldest brother, Edwin, died in an auto accident on September 5, 2009...coincidentally, that was my birthday. I took the loss of my oldest brother quite hard. And, if that wasn't enough, my Grandmother fell right before Christmas and broke her leg. She never made it out of the hospital. And, she died on New Year's Day. For those of you who know me well, you can imagine how difficult losing her was for me. To this day, life just doesn't seem the same without her. I still find myself wanting to pick up the phone and call her.

I think the rest of 2010 has been spent trying to figure out which end is up and to recover from the losses. I also had to finish up Air Command and Staff College (ACSC); a requirement that I had to complete by April. My Lieutenant Colonel board met mid-June and I needed ACSC to be completed to get a promotion recommendation. It was hard to do on the heels of losing my Grandma but I hunkered down and got through it. In the end, I got a great promotion recommendation and now I'm waiting to hear the results from the promotion board. It'll probably be August before I hear the results.

I'm slowly but surely getting my energy back. Just in time for my 40th birthday!