There have been so many emotions to deal with today that I just think I'm numb now.
Work was good today. I was notified by my supervisor that the team that I led to successfully deliver an aircraft to programmed depot maintenance in December was recognized and we won the team award for the 4th quarter of 2008. The reward for each of us...a day off without charging leave. That was great news! I'll take a free day off from work!
I am still fighting the head cold that I've contracted (along with Anna, Jeff and now it looks like Rachel is coming down with it). It's a nasty little bug. The only reason I'm still awake at this point is that I'm waiting for the Nyquil that I took to take effect so I can hopefully collapse into a drug induced sleep that will hopefully keep my coughing at bay for the next 8 hours.
This evening was full of mixed emotions. After having dinner with the family, I went to a funeral visitation. The 16-year old daughter of one my coworkers passed away last Friday. Her Mom currently works with me. And, I used to work with her Dad several years ago. I don't handle funerals well. I think that goes back to my father's death. I just prefer to remember the person as they were when they were living but I also believe in paying respect to grieving family members. And, death and loss is never matter the circumstances or age of the person who is deceased. But, there is always something very tragic about seeing parents having to bury their child. It is so sad to see such a young person lying in a casket along with her favorite stuffed animal, books, music and other things that she enjoyed. And, I heard my friend Jerry (her father) say, "I couldn't remember what was the last thing I said to her." I guess none of us know when our final moments will be so it's best to live life to the fullest as if it is our last day. None of us have a guarantee that we'll see another sunrise. It was an emotional ride back home. I grieved for my friends' loss. I grieved for those loved ones that I have lost. My father died February 11, 1985, when I was fourteen years old. Seems like just yesterday at times.

I had one more task to complete when I got home. So ironic that I would be decorating Anna's birthday cake right after attending a funeral visitation. But, I had baked and iced the cake yesterday and I needed to finish up the decorations tonight even though what I really wanted was to collapse in a bed as soon as I got home. But, my effort was greatly rewarded by the look of happiness on my almost 6-year old daughter's face. She loves Pooh Bear. And, she wanted a Winnie the Pooh cake. To see her face light up at the sight of the completed cake made the effort worth it. And, she rewarded me with the best thank you card. Hallmark doesn't have anything on a hand scribbled note on a paper napkin from a loved one. She handed it to me and it said, "I Love You." For that, I'd bake many more cakes. I need an apron that says, "Will Work For Love." Yep, I'm a sap.
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