"Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give."~~Barbara Bush
I rang the bell for the Salvation Army red kettle drive tonight outside of a local Hobby Lobby store. It was quite interesting watching people. You could tell some people felt guilty not giving. The ones I found most humorous were the ones who parked on my side of the entrance but chose to walk across the parking lot to enter the other side where I was not standing. Here is a news flash folks...we aren't going to mug you. Heck, most of us are pleasant people who are your neighbors trying to volunteer during the holiday season to help our fellow man. We aren't keeping a list of whose been naughty or nice so don't feel guilty if you can't give to every red kettle you pass. We know many can't afford to give....especially after you've just spent hundreds in Hobby Lobby getting those decorative candles you just can't live without. :-) But, you can smile, be pleasant, and acknowledge your fellow citizens who are giving their time to ring the bell. Just a thought....
The people who gave more often were people with young children (the kids like dropping the coins in the bucket) and men. Older women who were alone didn't tend to give while I was working. I thought that was interesting. I saw a few of my coworkers and I guilted them into giving. Honestly, I think Salvation Army would get more money if they'd find an attractive woman willing to wear a short skirt and stand outside of Hooters. She would rack up! :-)
I was glad Rachel and Anna were able to participate with me if only for a short while. I actually had fun doing it but I'm afraid I'll hear that darn bell ringing in my ears for hours now.
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