Our niece, Mary Grace, turns 12 this week. Riley, who is one of Mary's friends who lives in our neighborhood, turned 10 this past week. They both love my chocolate cakes so I made one for them yesterday in honor of both of their birthdays.
Mary is like a daughter to us in many respects as we've watched her grow up. I can really tell how she is shedding the little girl look and is starting to blossom into a beautiful young woman. It's hard to fathom that in five short years, Rachel will be at the same stage in development. They change so quickly. I have to say that I don't envy their ages other than the physical youth that comes with it. I remember all too well the turbulence of the teenage years. It's not an age I'd want to go back to.
Happy Birthday Mary! Happy belated Birthday Riley! We wish for you the wisdom to safely navigate the years ahead.
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