As usual, we ate way more food than any person should in one meal on Thanksgiving Day. Jeff and I braved shopping early on Friday in the hopes of saving a few dollars. Note to self...not worth it. However, Jeff figured if he was going to get up early that he would at least make the trip worthwhile. So, we went to Spencer's and bought fake poop. Yes, you read that right. Fake poop for $5 that was made in China. You know there are some Chinese people in the world thinking that Americans will buy anything. Who else spends $5 on fake poop? But, Jeff likes a good practical joke. And, we had brought our cat, Simba, to Huntsville with us much to Gail's dismay. Jeff thought he'd leave the fake poop on the floor outside of Simba's litter box for Gail and Harold to find. Harold found it first. And, being the nice person that he is, he got cleaner, a scoop, and paper towels and proceeded to clean it. Jeff, on the other hand, got busy with the camera taking photos and laughing hysterically. You would think Harold would just tell Jeff that if he thought it was so funny that he should clean it. But, being the kind hearted person that he is, he proceeded on with the task at hand until he found out it was fake. Of course, by that time, Jeff could barely breathe as he was laughing so hard. Yep, $5 well spent.
Tis the enjoy some Christmas cheerWe met Gabrielle and her daughters at Santa's Christmas Village again. The weather this year was a lot more pleasant...not nearly as cold. We did the usual visit with Santa, writing the letter to Santa, and icing gingerbread cookies.
The card given to the children to use to write to Santa has boxes as the top to check with they have been naughty or nice. Rachel asked me, "Mom, have I been naughty or nice?" My response was, "if you have to ask....."
Below is a picture taken of me and Gabrielle. She loves it when I post her photo on my blog so it wouldn't be right if I didn't share this photo here now. You're welcome, Gabe. :-)
Tis the Season...for the Iron Bowl
We watched the Alabama vs. Auburn football game at Pete and Gabrielle's house. It had to be one of the worse games we've watched since I can remember. But, it was great to visit with friends if nothing else.I have to say that this will be the first year I root for the SEC East champion (Florida) for the SEC Championship game. I hope they spank Alabama.
Tis the Season...for holiday Traffic
No, those aren't pretty Christmas lights below. The photo is pretty much what we saw on the interstate the majority of the way home, specifically on I-75. We got home late because of it. There were areas where traffic crawled and it seemed every mile or so that there would be people pulled over for some reason or another. I told Jeff there would be no need for concern where speeding is concerned. The cops were otherwise busy with accidents and other issues and no one was able to get any speed going anyway due to the traffic.
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