Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble~William Shakespeare (a quote from “Macbeth”)
We took our final trip to Disney World for the year this past weekend. Unfortunately, the trip did not quite go as planned. There were things "bubbling" but it sure wasn't a cauldron. Rachel came home on Wednesday after school feeling tired. By dinner time, the vomiting and diarrhea had begun. This was about the time Gail and Harold had arrived. Their plan was to stay the night with us on Wednesday night and continue their trip from Huntsville to Orlando on Thursday; arriving a day before us. We were planning to leave on Friday. That ever so brief stay over night was not a good thing for them. Because while at Epcot on Friday, the same stomach bug affected Gail. She was out of commission until Sunday. Meanwhile, it affected Anna on Saturday during the day and it hit Jeff Saturday night. We did manage to visit the Animal Kingdom in the morning and a brief visit to Epcot on Saturday afternoon before Anna started vomiting. Rachel and I rode the Everest ride at Animal Kingdom together again. I had passed on riding it for a while because it is so intense. It's not the speed that bothers me; it is the going backwards that seems to do a number on my equilibrium and neck. Both Anna and Rachel love the roller coasters and other thrill rides. I wonder where they get their love of adventure? (That's Rachel and me in the very front)

So far, Harold and I are the only ones who have not been affected. Needless to say, it did put a damper on the trip but we were still able to salvage a good part of the weekend and we were able to enjoy some of the main events we had planned.
Sea World

On Sunday, everyone felt well enough to go to Sea World. It was a perfect day temperature wise. It was overcast for most of the day which kept the heat to a minimum. That worked out great for those recovering from the stomach illness. And, since its close to Halloween, Sea World had a trick-or-treating area (called their Spooktakular event) which the girls really enjoyed. Since so much of Sea World is about the shows they offer, it was a good place for us to go while everyone was still on the mend. Rachel and Anna especially enjoyed the Sesame Street Countdown to Halloween show. While visiting the penguins, we found one sitting alone that reminded us of Mumble from the movie Happy Feet. We could've sworn he was dancing. He was such a cutie.

We had originally planned to have friends over at our camper on Sunday night but decided to cancel that in case there were any lingering germs that could be passed on. The last thing we wanted to do was to ruin another family's fall break vacation.
Richard Petty Driving Experience
“Now they're getting so politically correct you can't even stick your tongue out at somebody.”~~Richard PettyMonday was a big day. Gail and I surprised Jeff with the Rookie Experience package at the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Disney World. This provided him classroom instruction, safety instruction and track orientation, and to drive a race car for 8 laps around the speedway oval. While watching Jeff, I decided to try the Ride-Along Experience which allowed me to be a passenger in a two seater stock car while a professional driver drove it around the track and speeds up to 145 mph. We both enjoyed this. I think we both agree that we'd rather use our money on memories and experiences than material items and this was worthy of doing at least once. While we are not NASCAR fans, it was a blast seeing what it is like to ride in a stock race car.

Me dressed up for my laps around the track

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
Villians aren't wicked, they are just misunderstood. ~~Disney cast member
Monday evening was reserved for the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. This is our second year to attend and we had a blast again. This year, I dressed up as Cruella Deville (101 Dalmations villian) and Rachel and Anna dressed up as dalmation puppies. At first I was thinking it was a huge mistake that I dressed up as Cruella. The reason I say this is that the Disney Villians only seem to come out for photos during the Not So Scary Halloween party so that means that the opportunities for character photos are very limited at other times of the year. And, since the party didn't start until 7 pm, and we entered the park at 4 pm, people thought I was the real Disney cast member Cruella Deville. At first, being stopped and asked to take a photo was flattering. But, then it got crazy. I told people I was not a real Disney character and they still asked to have their photo with me anyway; and for me to sign their autograph books. I was greatful when a Disney cast member interrupted me and asked me not to sign autograph books. I told him I felt bad turning the kids away and was greatful for him stopping the madness. Things got much better once the party started because there were lots of people in costume so I wasn't as much of a novelty but people would still stop me and ask to take photos with them from time to time.

But, the biggest surprise of the night was Harold and Gail's costumes. They told Jeff and I that they did not plan to dress up in costume. They lied. They surprised us by showing up in full costume as Raggedy Ann and Andy. And, they too were also asked to pose for photos during the evening. Of course, Jeff said he wouldn't be caught dead in such as costume as Raggedy Andy but I have to say, Harold wore it proudly and had a great time.

Some of you may be wondering what Jeff dressed up as. I wish I had something fun to share but he ended up not getting anything this year.

Also, our friends: Larry and Cindy (with their children; Hannah & Trinity), and John and Denise (with Alecia) met us briefly for the Halloween Party. Their costumes were awesome as Greek Gods and Goddesses.
A big event for the night was Anna being able to ride Space Mountain for the first time. She loved it! She was floating for at least 30 minutes after her ride.
And, Jeff, after having learned all of the hot spots in the Buzz Lightyear Ride, scored the highest you can get, 999,999.
While trick-or-treating, we passed Alice (from Alice in Wonderland) and she reacted when she saw me so I stuck my tongue out at her (gotta play the Cruella character). Alice acted offended and I enjoyed the moment. It is fun at time playing a character, particularly a villian.

What fearful shapes and shadows beset his path, amidst the dim and ghastly glare of a snowy night! With what wistful look did he eye every trembling ray of light streaming across the waste fields from some distant window! How often was he appalled by some shrub covered with snow, which, like a sheeted spectre, beset his very path! How often did he shrink with curdling awe at the sound of his own steps on the frosty crust beneath his feet; and dread to look over his shoulder, lest he should behold some uncouth being tramping close behind him! and how often was he thrown into complete dismay by some rushing blast, howling among the trees, in the idea that it was the Galloping Hessian on one of his nightly scourings!~Washington Irving (a quote from “The Legend of Sleep Hollow”)And, the parade was awesome! As always, it is led by the Headless Horseman.
Disney cast members filled our bags to the brim with candy. We've got plenty to last for a while between the Halloween Party and Spooktacular at Sea World.
We stayed until midnight; park closing. We were all completely exhausted after a very full day but we had a blast. Anna konked out before we made our visit to the villians. So, the real Disney cast member and I had a little fun with her in a photo. Can you tell who is the real Cruella?

As you can tell, we do enjoy Halloween. When else can everyone dress up in costumes and make fools of themselves and get free candy! I just hate that illness interrupted our trip but we still made the best of it despite the sickness that was passed around.
Fall Trips
We've got lots of trips planned over the next few months so I'll be updating the blog regularly (as time allows). Stay tuned......
And, to our friends and family, we wish you a upcoming Happy Halloween!
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