We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. ~Author Unknown
Our 14th wedding anniversary is almost here. June 11th is the date but since that is during a weekday this year, we plan to celebrate our anniversary early next weekend.
It's hard to believe that it has been almost 14 years since we married and over 16 years since we met one another. I guess it's true what they say...time does fly when you're having fun.
I'll never forget our first date. I was sharing a townhouse with two other people that year in college. Jeff rang the door bell and for some reason I chose to let my room mate answer the door. Meanwhile, I hid in my room mate's bedroom doorway (which was directly off of the entry hall and you passed it as you entered) and I jumped out and scared Jeff as he walked by. I guess you could say that it helped break the ice. To this day, we still scare one another when the perfect opportunity presents itself. I think Rita Rudner once said, "It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." And, I think we both learned that day that we had found that special someone that we wanted to annoy.
Usually, we are perfectly content playing jokes on others but what fun would our home life be without targeting one another as well. I think my all time favorite is one of Jeff's pranks on me that backfired. I wrote a post about it because the results were truly priceless.
I've enjoyed the last 14 years. I look forward to many more years of annoying (errr, I mean, loving) one another!

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