Saturday, March 15, 2008

Our Imelda Marcos In the Making

The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents~~John J. Plomp
Anna is hard at work at trying to surpass Imelda Marcos with the amount of shoes that she has. The most recently purchased shoes were acquired last night. She saw some galoshes she just had to have...she dubbed them her "happy boots." It does not matter that these boots are made for rainy day wear. Anna will wear them as part of her daily attire. Why? Because she likes them.
And, did I mention she has decided she wants her hair to be long again? Unfortunately, it's in that in-between stage at the moment where it's too short to effectively use a rubber band or barrette yet too long and hangs in her eyes. It probably bothers me more than her. Of course, I hate that tween hairstyle that is popular right now with some local kids where the bangs are long and hanging over their eyes. Drives me bonkers! She is determined she is going to have it long again though so we are working through it.

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