From the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Will Turner: That's not true. I am not obsessed with treasure.
Jack Sparrow: Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.
In preparation for the Disney Pirate & Princess Party in February, we gave them the option of picking either a pirate or princess costume to wear. They both chose pirates....even my girly girl Rachel. The Disney Store on line had a great sale on this past weekend and I was able to order Elizabeth Swann (female character from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies) pirate costumes at a great price for each of them....much cheaper than what we would've paid if we waited to get them in Orlando. We got their costumes in the mail today and they tried them on. Their picture is shown above.
School Update
I had a Parent-Teacher Conference with Anna's teacher yesterday. It was the first scheduled feedback session with the parents for the year. And, Anna received a glowing report. And, we received Rachel's second report card yesterday with accolades. We feel so blessed that they are excelling at school. Anna's teacher was very complimentary to us as well. She said she could see how much she has learned from the time we spend with her. I do think our many trips in the RV have contributed a lot to her knowledge base. Our children are so blessed that they have been able to experience so much so early in life. I don't think Jeff and I combined traveled as much before the age of 20 as they have in their first few years of life.
Parenting Moments
- Yesterday evening, I decided it had been a while since I discussed body parts with Rachel and Anna--you know, just an educational opportunity. They know the major parts: legs, arms, eyes, ears, etc. This time I thought I'd focus on the muscle groups and other areas such as thigh, heal, tricep, bicep, etc. I pointed to my calf and asked them what it was. Their answer was, "fat." Gotta love the brutal honesty of a child. I'm glad I didn't point to my fanny. I cringe at what they might've said about that. And, no comments from the peanut gallery reading this post either. :-)
- Yesterday morning, Rachel was again discussing her desire to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She asked me if she would get paid for working as a vet and I told her, "yes." She said, "Well, I hope I can find a job working for someone." And, I replied, "You don't have to work for someone else. You can always start your own vet practice." Her immediate concern jumped to the fact that she didn't know how to construct a building for her business. And, Anna, didn't miss a beat when she replied, "Just use Lincoln Logs."
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