Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My Mom

We only have One Mom, One Mommy, One Mother in this World, One life. Don't wait for the Tomorrow's to tell Mom, you love her.- Author Unknown

For those who do not know, my Mom suffered a major stroke this past Sunday. I've been in Alabama the past two days with my family.

Her cartoid artery on the right side is 100% blocked and therefore, inoperable. She wasn't able to speak at all the past two days but she was able to slowly annunciate a couple of words this morning. She was finally able to also swallow on her own this morning. Her right side was completely paralyzed but she is has now regained some small movement in her right leg as of today. She is still in the cardiovascular intensive care unit (ICU) for now in a Birmingham hospital.

I returned home today because there wasn't much I could do and visitation is limited while she is in the ICU. Plus, family and friends were all trying to visit and they only allow two people in the room at a time. Also, since I have limited leave I figured I'd save the leave from work for when she does go home as she'll probably need me more then. She has more than enough attention for now.

I have to admit it was extremely hard to see her like that. It's hard to accept that she'll never be the same again. She was so frustrated not being able to communicate with us or to be able to move the right side of her body. And, I know this is just the beginning where the strokes are concerned. My Aunt Rosie, who died years ago, suffered from a series of strokes over a period of years before a brain stroke killed her. I just don't want my Mom to suffer. Her health has been tentative at best for a number of years and if the good Lord wants to take her, I wish he'd do so without prolonging her misery and before she loses all quality of life. And, being the independent woman that she is, I know the loss of mobility and speech is going to drive her crazy. But, she did seem determined to get moving and to speak the past few days. She is a stubborn woman and I know as long as there is an ounce of strength left, she'll fight to recover.

Also, she was the primary caretaker of my 91 year old grandmother. So, the family is going to have to adjust for that as well.

I'm hoping she can return to her home some time in the near future with some independent mobility. We are fortunate that she already lives in an assisted living facility so she won't have to move. That way, she can remain amongst familiar faces when she returns home which will lessen the stress of all of this to some extent for her.

Thank you to all of our friends and family who have called and inquired on how she is doing. Unfortunately, it's a day-by-day thing and none of us know what the long term prognosis will be. I will be returning to Alabama this coming weekend to check on her and to attend my high school reunion (assuming my Mom remains in a stable condition). Please continue to keep my Mom in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery through her upcoming rehabilitation therapy.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're having to deal with so much. Hang in there - you'll all be in our thoughts and prayers!

DieselRV said...

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers Kari.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Angela! I'm so sorry this happened to your Mum! What a terrible shock. I'll try and call you next week and see how things are. I will be thinking of you all during this difficult and uncertain time. May she have a swift recovery. Take care. xxxxx Jen