Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mom Update Part I

I have better news to share today.

My Mom was moved from the ICU to a regular room earlier today. Later in the afternoon, they transported her to another hospital that is closer to her apartment and will be a closer location for family members traveling to visit with her.

She is talking a bit more now. Her speech is not very clear but she is at least forming words and not simply groaning and grunting which is a huge leap in a few days time. However, she is still suffering from paralysis on her right side. She will continue her physical therapy in the new hospital.

Thank you again to all who have inquired about her and for everyone saying prayers for her. The prayers are helping so keep them coming.


Anonymous said...

I hope you saw my comment on your last post. That is a very good update and may she continue to recover slowly but steadily. Huge hugs and postive thoughts to you all!!! Take care, speak soon!

DieselRV said...

Hi Jen. Yes, I did see your last comment but had not responded yet. Thanks so much for thinking of us and I appreciate your postive thoughts. And, I can't wait to see you guys next month! It seems like forever since we saw you last. I need Jeff to get with you on hooking up the webcam so we can talk on line.