There's a big world out there. Bigger than prom, bigger than high school, and it won't matter if you were the prom queen or the quarterback of the football team or the biggest nerd. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it. - Author UnknownI can't believe it's been 20 years since I graduated from high school in 1988. Yep, that's me above with the big hair and blue eye shadow for my senior photo. Oh, there were bigger hair pictures that I might feel brave enough to share some time. But, this photo will have to do for now.
I'm sure anyone who reaches such a milestone as their 20-year high school reunion can't help but reflect on what their life has been like and make some determination of whether they have been successful or not. I guess we all have different things that we use as our yard stick of what makes us a success. For me, it's not about the fancy house or the nice car. It's about being secure with who you are and simply being happy.
But, from the standard yard stick, I guess I've done O.K. too. I've been blessed in many ways in the past 2o years. I've enjoyed good health, the love and support of family and friends, successful military and civilian careers, and even some adventure. I earned both a bachelors and masters degrees. Plus, I've tolerated all of the professional military education that the military thrust upon me. I have two healthy children and a husband that loves me despite my many imperfections and who has done so for 14 years plus (that man deserves a medal!). So, I guess looking back....things have gone quite well overall.

My Mom, Me and Jeff (1994)
I think the biggest surprise for me after all of these years is my profession. I never would've guessed my life would be so closely entertwined with the military. I guess I've always been some what of a tomboy but I never had any desire to be in the military in high school. But, here I am ready for my 20 year high school reunion with only 6 years left to retire from the USAFR. No one that I knew in high school would've ever guessed that one. I don't think I ever planned my career in any fashion. Truly, it just happened. My military career led to my civilian career and then things continued to build from there. I can't say that I've had any regrets professionally. While it would be nice to be retiring with an active duty retirement, I was greatful for the work flexibility that I had with my civilian career. That made it much easier in my children's infancy years. It seems that things in my life seemed to fall into place at the right times for the right reasons. So, as I said before, I've been very blessed in many ways.

I'll take lots of photos at my reunion and share those. I can't wait to see all of my old friends again. As you saw in earlier posts, I visited with some friends last month. It'll be so nice to catch up with the rest at the reunion.
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