Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~~Author Unknown
I would argue that families are more like peanut brittle --mostly nuts with sweetness mixed in. Either way you view it, our family is special. And, the sign shown at the top of this post was nailed to the outside of Ricky's (my brother) garage. I'll let people guess who are the nuts in my family. Actually, it would be easier to try and pick the "normal" ones. I think it is a prerequisite that you have to be a nut to be in our family. It's the normal people who don't survive us very long. Jeff is fitting in just fine though. What does that tell you?
I visited with my Mom, Grandma, and brothers this weekend. It has been at least two years since I saw my brothers last. It was great visiting with everyone again.

Anna and Rachel enjoyed spending time with their cousin Allison. They played dress up while the adults caught up on things.

Ricky's custom painted Harley Davidson motorcycle won 1st place at a competition in Birmingham in 2004. And, Teresa, my sister-in-law, has since gotten a Harley of her own.

My nephew, Ed (Jr.), visited with us as well.

Allison (my niece), Me, and Ed (my nephew)
We went back to my Mom's apartment after our visit on Saturday morning with my brothers. She made spaghetti for us at Rachel's request. Rachel and Anna always enjoy visiting with their Grandmas. My Grandma turned 90 years old this past April. She is sharp as a tack mentally but I'm afraid her body is simply getting weaker with each passing day it seems. After our delicious meal with my Mom and Grandma, we visited with some of my old friends on Saturday evening.

Anna and her Great-Grandma

Rachel and Her Grandma (My Mom)
"It takes a long time to grow an old friend." - by John Leonard

Maggie, Me, Kim and Karen
I first met Kim and Karen when I transferred to a public school in 7th grade. We were friends all throughout high school and I shared an apartment with them one summer while we were in college. Later they were bridesmaids in my wedding. They have remained in Alabama all of these years and like everyone else, our busy lives has kept us from visiting one another as often as we should.
Maggie also went to high school with me. She also lived in Georgia for a couple of years and has now moved back to Alabama. Maggie and I were pregnant at the same time with our second child.
It has been too long since I had seen them all and we all met at Kim's house on Saturday. It was fun watching the children play together. Maggie's children weren't able to come but we had a house full anyway. Rachel and Anna (our two children), Trent and Grant (Kim's sons), and Katie (Karen's daughter) had a blast playing together.

Our 20-year high school reunion is coming up next year and I hope to at least see everyone again then. It was so wonderful visiting with them. I hate that we live so far away and don't get the opportunity to see everyone more often.
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