Usually, I wait until our daughter's birthday to take them for a birthday portrait. But, seeing as how my life stays so hectic, I figured I'd take Rachel while I had the time to do so. Rachel turns six on September 26th. Time really does go by too fast at times.
I also got a picture of Rachel & Anna together while we were at the portrait studio to send to the grandparents for Grandparent's Day. Yes, I'm a bit late on that one but better late than never right?

Weekend Plans
This is usually our weekend that we spend in Gatlinburg, TN. But, due to limited leave and the fact that Rachel & Anna have school on Monday, we decided to forego our usual trip this year. While I do miss the mountains, I don't miss the car rally in Pigeon Forge, TN, nor the motorcycle rally in Cherokee, SC, that always occurs on the same weekend as our reservations at Mt LeConte.
We were busy this weekend just taking care of things around the house. The RV is being serviced right now so we decided to stay put for the weekend.
Our niece, Mary Grace, spent Saturday evening and Sunday with us. I had some shopping to do and we girls went on Sunday morning. While shopping Mary Grace made mention that she wanted to start scrapbooking. Being a long time scrapper myself, I was eager to help out. :-)
Her birthday is in November so I told her I'd buy her an early birthday present and I bought her a few items to get her started. She was so eager to start. We spent part of the afternoon doing that. Rachel and Anna even created a couple of pages. I was proud of their effort. However, Anna was more intrigued with playing with the double-sided tape, stickers, etc. While I try to be careful not to wish their childhood away, I do have to say that I look forward to the time where we can work on a craft project or a scrapbook together without me having to worry about them gluing something to the table or chopping off a finger. Mary Grace is 10 and she is at a great age to do such things without the hassle or worry. Usually, I'm ready for some time at a spa after doing an arts & craft project with Rachel and Anna. They are getting better but they still have to be watched carefully when paint, scissors, and glue are easily accessible.
Jeff bought some new workout equipment on Sunday so he spent the day getting that set up.
It was nice just being home for the weekend but it seems to have gone by way too fast. We don't currently have plans for the coming weekend but we may have to take a short trip some where, even if it means getting a cabin or cottage if the RV isn't back yet.
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