Suede is almost 60 years old. Her husband passed away several years ago. She used to be a Methodist minister and at some point she felt like sharing the message of Christ in church was not fulfilling. She said God spoke to her and told her to "go on the road." And, she did. She hasn’t turned back since. She never knows where she will go next. She said God speaks to her and tells her when it’s time to go and where she needs to go to do his work.
I thought that Suede had an RV of some sort after our initial meeting. I found out later that she wasn’t living in a travel trailer, a pop-up camper or a tent. Suede lives in the back of her minivan. She has a small pad that she sleeps on in the back of the van. All of her worldly belongings are in this minivan. Her clothes are in one Rubbermaid container. Her food is in a small box in the front seat. She sleeps with the back of the van open and a net covering the opening to keep the bugs out. I was feeling so proud of us for simplifying our lifestyle and here is a woman who truly lives life simply. Our lifestyle change was dramatic in many ways but this woman truly lives simplification.
Suede had dinner with us this evening. She spent a good portion of the evening inquiring about our lives and our history. And, she shared information on her life as well. She does not proselytize to people…she simply does what she can to quietly and humbly share the word of Christ and she does so by action and by living the example of giving to others. I truly believe she'd give her last dollar to someone else in need if they needed it. She described herself as “very poor” but she also described herself as the “happiest person she has every known.” Now, how many people do you know who can say that with a straight face and that hasn’t been smoking something?
Before we parted ways this evening, she stated that she could sense that God was pleased with the changes we have made in our lives. She said that God has guided us in this direction so that we can help other people by setting the example. She said a word came clearly to her from God regarding us and the word was “vanguard.” She said that she wasn’t sure what that meant…but the word clearly came in her mind and she felt the need to share it with us. So, Jeff looked it up on the net.
Vanguard as defined by Websters Dictionary:
1 : the troops moving at the head of an army
2 : the forefront of an action or movement
I don’t know that there will be hoards of people following us or making the change in lifestyle that we have made. Our choices certainly aren’t the right choices for each person. And, what makes us happy is not going to be the same thing that makes every person happy. But, I do know this. Happiness will never be derived from material things. And, Suede is living proof of that.
She plans to leave Georgia in a few short days for her next calling…to hike the American Discovery Trail. This trail spans coast to coast for a total of 6,800 miles. And, she plans to walk every mile of it. I am very confident that she’ll do just that and no doubt will continue to bring inspiration to each person that she meets along the way.

I do believe in “signs.” Sure, usually we get out of life exactly what we put into it. I am a realist. However, I also believe in divine intervention. I believe that some times things happen for a reason and some times certain people enter our lives to deliver a message or provide guidance. I do not believe that God is found in a building or a book and that if people weren’t so busy they would see his work and his guidance all around them more clearly. I believe that God has angels among us quietly doing work on his behalf. And, I believe that Suede is one of those people. I believe her mission to us this evening was reaffirming what we already know. And, that’s that our recent decisions are right for our family. The only regret we have thus far is that we didn’t make these changes sooner. And, if our example can somehow make just one positive change for another person, then I'd say not only has our lifestyle change been good for us but it has been good for another.
Just this weekend alone, we have spent more time with our friends (both new and old) than we probably did in months or longer while at our previous home. On Saturday, our neighbors (from the neighborhood of the house we just sold), Mark, Lisa and their son Jacob, stopped in and had lunch with us. Then, we met our new “neighbors” who just purchased an RV; Orlando & Debra, and their four children. They live in Atlanta and just bought their RV on Friday. This trip for the weekend was their maiden voyage. They too were looking for a way to maximize time with their children. On Saturday evening, our friends Thomas & Nicola dropped by and watched part of the Auburn game with us.

Yes, I’d say we are blessed in many ways. Like Suede, I would not classify us as “rich” financially (although we certainly aren’t impoverished either) but we are rich in other ways. We are blessed to have such wonderful friends and we are rich in love. And, we are blessed to have each other and our health. At the end of the day, isn’t that what is most important? A very wise friend of mine recently told me, “when you get money, do not spend it on material things. Spend it on experiences. Things can be lost or taken away. Memories are yours to keep.” We intend to do just that.
I hope one day that I can look back at my life and also say that I am the happiest person that I have ever known. At this point, I’d say we’ve made the right steps towards laying the foundation to do just that.
My 36th birthday is in a couple of days. And, if I can have a birthday wish come true, it would be that everyone takes the time to “stop and smell the diesel.”
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I really enjoyed reading this... I'm glad I found your blog
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