On Saturday, we added a new member to our family. We stopped at Pet Smart on the way home and we adopted a kitten from the local shelter. We weren't shopping for another pet but this cat won our hearts. He is extremely friendly, loves the kids (huge plus!), and so far....hasn't scratched any furniture. He is already litter box trained as well. We named him Simba. He is approximately six months old and is already neutered. While he has been introduced to the ferrets, neither seemed very interested in the other. Simba pretty much avoided Meko and Molly and the ferrets watched the cat with great interest but overall seemed indifferent to this intruder on their turf.

While the good people of the world were worshipping at church on Sunday morning, we sinners drove out to a local parking lot to launch a rocket that Jeff bought yesterday. The girls enjoying taking turns launching the rocket and we had a great time.

On Tuesday night this week, Rachel and Anna will both begin tumbling/gymnastics classes. They are very excited about this. We wanted to enroll them in an activity of some sort this Fall and when we visited a local gymnastics facility, both girls were excited about starting. It is a non-competitive program which we like since they are both just getting started. If they like it, if they are good at it, neither Jeff nor I would have concerns about enrolling them in a competitive program.
Our friends, Lisa & Mark, bequeathed their piano to us before Mark finished his move to Colorado to join Lisa (Thank You Mark & Lisa!). Rachel has been busy practicing on the piano and she has some musical talent. We may check into finding piano lessons for her as well.
As for me and Jeff....Jeff has been working at his new job for over a month now. I have now been at my job (actually in the office) only four days. It has been an adjustment for me in many respects and it will take some time to get used to the changes considering I worked for my former employer for nearly 10 years. But, overall, I think I'll enjoy the career change. It'll just take some time getting used to the new responsibilities, etc.
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