Monday, January 15, 2007

Suede Returns

The camp hosts, Sharon and Norm, stopped in to tell us that Suede called and was returning to Georgia this weekend. So, we watched for her van throughout the weekend and we finally spotted her yesterday. We spoke for a few minutes but she was tired after a long drive. She said she was going to stay for a couple of months so we'll have plenty of time to catch up on her stories. She said that he trip renewed her thoughts that faith in this country is strong but that the disparity she saw between the very rich and the very poor was concerning in some areas. But, she planned to fill us in on all of that during her stay here.

We are still battling illness. Rachel and I are on the mend but still not 100% yet. Anna is now exhibiting the same symptoms so I suspect we'll be visiting the pediatrician tomorrow for her. I was hoping we were done with illness and coughing but no such luck! Since it looks like we aren't done with illness yet, it appears that we still won't be traveling again until February.

I mentioned Sharon and Norm above but I've never talked much about them on the blog. I had always noticed the Purple Heart tag on their RV but never heard the circumstances that surrounded that. Sharon and Norm were both in Saudi Arabia when one of the car bombings happened. It was about a year before the Khobar Towers car bombing. Sharon was one of the few survivors in that facility. She had awful burns on her back and had a long road to recovery. They had dinner with us one evening and told us the whole story. It's amazing what some people go through yet show no signs of having been through so much.

Since our lives are a bit boring right now with the illness, it's great to have Suede back. I'm sure she'll give us plenty to discuss here. :-)

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