We joined Harold and Gail this past weeekend and camped at the Treemont Resort in Townsend, TN. Luckily, we only had rain part of the day on Sunday.
We arrived in the afternoon on Friday. We ate dinner at the Little River Bar-B-Que restaurant in Townsend which is one of my favorite bar-b-que places to eat. They have a screened back porch so you can dine outside and it borders the water flowing around the mountains. The food is wonderful and it's just a nice, relaxing place to eat.

On Saturday, we did a little bit of hiking during the morning in the Tremont area and then had lunch in Townsend at the Apple Valley Country Store. We returned to the camper for a while and then Jeff brought the girls to play in the water and I took a long nap....something I desperately needed. That night we enjoyed a free concert at the Wood-N-Strings Dulcimer Shop in Townsend. We enjoyed the dulcimer music. It was a perfect compliment to an already enjoyable day. They offer these free dulcimer concerts every Saturday evening throughout the spring and summer months.

On Sunday, we decided to head into Pigeon Forge to the Wonderworks Museum. We had a great time there but it was a bit too crowded for our liking. My favorite part was the rock climbing wall. We had lunch at Tony Roma's and then returned to the camper. It was our first time eating there and the food was O.K. It wasn't really good nor really bad. It was just food. We returned to the campground afterwards. We took the girls to the swimming pool before the rain started coming down. After that, we relaxed at our campers for a while.
Overall, we had a great weekend. I love that area. But, what I enjoy the most are the mountains. I prefer to stay away from the people and enjoy the beauty of nature the most. But, we have to mix in other things for the kiddos.
We are going to watch the new Night at the Museum movie tonight which has been released just in time for our next trip. We are taking another trip leaving this coming Friday. Rachel and Anna are flower girl's in our cousin, Lauren's, wedding. So, we decided to make it a vacation trip for them since the wedding is in West Virginia. We are leaving Friday evening. We'll arrive in College Park, Maryland on Saturday. College Park is very close to Washington D.C. So, we'll be doing some sight seeing in that area including visiting the Smithsonian. And, that is why the release of the new Night at the Museum movie is timely. We loved the first movie and the newly released version is set in the Smithsonian. After spending a few days in D.C., we are then heading to Pennsylvania where we plan to visit Hershey Park. And, then, the final stop will be in West Virginia for the wedding on June 6th before we head back home. It's going to be a busy trip and and an end to many busy weekends throughout the month of May. I think we'll be crashing at home for several weekends to recoup after all of our trips in May. We need a vacation from our vacationing!